The optimists believe that everything is all right. The pessimists think that everything might be over the next day. And finally, the realists hope that they are going to survive the days of wrath. But the real problem mankind can not cope with is that we have destroyed our planet and do not know how to fix the damage. The problems we are and will be facing are all effects of our own mistakes; that we can not handle technology properly, cope with overpopulation, and definitely can not solve the environmental problems.
Modern technology was once considered a gift, now it is more like a curse. Everything developed – electricity, genetic modification, machines of any kind – was a useful contribution to comfort and a chance for better life even for the lower classes. And what do we have now? Power plants, dangerous for the whole area; food modified genetically to a degree it becomes inedible; and people being unemployed because the automation of factories.
Since we did not learn how to use technology in a way everyone has advantages of it, overpopulation is becoming a more serious problem every day. There are too many people in the undeveloped countries where the soil cannot provide enough food or the government can not act against poverty. The few and rich get most of the money and food, while the many and poor get only bits and bites.
Additionally, there are more and more environmental problems we have to cope with – a task which seems impossible. Why? Somehow, we cannot believe that something in that manner may happen to us. Nature was always there and hopefully it will remain so. But nature and the world are changing – we are the ones who change it. Unfortunately, we are not grown-up enough to face our own mistakes.
In conclusion, there is no hope. We developed technology too fast, in a pace we can not cope with. The gap between the poor and the rich is getting wider every day. No one knows what is going to happen if we do not stabilize our dwindling ecology. And if we continue with this pace, it is inevitable that our world as we know it will disappear forever.
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